ISA Bergamo Italian rosewood and brass commode 1950s

ISA Bergamo Italian rosewood and brass commode 1950s
20.500 €
This rare chest of drawers produced by ISA Bergamo in Italy in the 1950s imparts a cosy, chic and glowing mood to a space. The warm rosewood remains looking beautiful and smooth seventy plus years later. All boxy shaped, seating on a large brass base, this commode features six large drawers, with brass handles and accents. The piece feels delightfully modern for the period and charmingly vintage now. It is a very fine example of high-quality Italian design and craftsmanship by ISA Bergamo, with a beautiful construction and finish. It has been fully restored and revarnished, and is found in a great vintage condition.
Dimensions :
Width : 180 cm
Depth : 50 cm
Height : 72 cm
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